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Showing posts from March, 2022

The books I had to read for my Grade 12 English class + MY THOUGHTS ON 'The Tragedy of Macbeth'

Author's Note Hey guys, this post will be posted sometime within January/Febuary of 2022 but parts of this post I'd initially started writing as far back as August 2020. Amist both my Matric year(arguably my most stressful schooling year I've had thus far) and amist the shifting lockdown restrictions happening in the world and the ever increasing number of Covid-19 cases - and witnessing friends and relatives of mine falling ill (and eventually me included). When I first started writing this post I wasn't sure whether or not it would ever get posted, there was even a time during 2021 when I decided to go completely off the grid - nearly deleted this blog as well... but something stopped me... thinking about this blog and just how cathartic these posts are for me, I guess that stopped me (ofcourse now I'm back on most social media again). I'm not saying any of this for you to pity me, I'm merely saying this for you to get a glimpse into my thought process. So