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Teen Titans: Beast Boy loves Raven // Graphic Novel Review

So, I somewhat recently read the latest installment in the ongoing Teens Titans graphic novel series by Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo. 

As a preface - this review is just my personal opinion, I am by no means knowledgeable about Garcia's other books, or about certain aspects of these character's other comicbook portrayals (I'm abit knowledgeable about Teen Titans but I by no means know everything). 

I unfortunately found this book very very boring to sit through, I quite liked the previous installments of this series. However, this one was lackluster in comparison to the other books in the series. Especially in regards to plot, writing, and character development. Throughout this blog post I will exposit more. 

Firstly, I liked Garfield/Beast Boy's development of his powers and him really learning how to better understand and use said powers better in this book than in his solo orgin book, and seeing Raven be there for him in that process and empathizing with him in the torture they've both been through. It's something that's done differently here than how it's handled in some other comic runs involving these character's relationship. It makes this version of these characters feel more unique and fresh in my opinion. 
However, that's the only positive i have for Raven's character. She doesn't really serve much purpose in the story or get any meaningful character development outside of being a love interest for Garfield/Beast Boy. When Picolo was asked who's his favourite member of the team, on numerous occasions his said it's Beast Boy, and that shows more than ever in this graphic novel. Everyone else's development was sidelined in favor of Beast Boy's. And at the bare minimum Raven should get development as well, seeing as this is called BEAST BOY loves RAVEN

Another gripe I have is with the book is the villians, we still don't know what their goal is, why there's seemingly infighting between them why they want these teens. And seeing how long this series has been going on for you would think we'd get a clue somewhere in these books but alas we don't.

Ok, now let's talk about some positives, I liked the change up this book does to a different set up than that of the "traditional" Teen Titans team. 
Instead of having Dick Grayson's Robin, or Tim Drake's Robin. It has Damien Wayne's Robin (the latest iteration of Robin). And even though they don't explain apon this version's origin - I already can't wait to see his origin and development as he is one of my favourite Robin. Another welcomed addition is Raven's sister seemingly being included into the roster for this team. I personally feel as though she had no need to follow Raven but it wasn't bad having her. But I enjoyed her presence nonetheless and her flirty interactions with Damien. 
I loved the art (as always with Gabriel Picolo). As well as the romantic development of the 2 main characters, Beast Boy and Raven. They had alot of chemistry together and I just can't wait to see the rest of the team! 

Rating: ★★★✰✰


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